Keep & Find


Detailed Instructions

Instructional Video:


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Main Menu Screenshot

IMPORTANT NOTE: You can fill this program with any topics you want! Things such as Business, School, Travel, Friends, Family, Children's Comments and Drawing, My Journal, etc... Use your imagination, there are no limitations! Design it how and with what you want!

Also, you can copy and import pictures under any topics that you create. Examples of this would be pictures of notes you have taken, greeting cards you received, a picture someone drew for you, important documents, a letter, an article, people, etc... Save pictures of things that are important to you under topics that you create.


Main Menu Screenshot

If I found a quote I liked then I would click on the CREATE TOPIC box from the home page and the screen would open up to look like this:

I would type in "Kindness" as the topic.

I would type in "Google" as the reference.

I would import in or type in this quote and then type in my thoughts about this quote.

Main Menu Screenshot

Also, you can copy and import pictures under any topics that you create. Examples of this would be pictures of notes you have taken, greeting cards you received, a picture someone drew for you, important documents, a letter, an article, people, etc... Save pictures of things that are important to you under topics that you create.


Main Menu Screenshot

Note:Under “Information and My Thoughts” you can type in the information and then your thoughts OR you can type in your thoughts first and then the information.

Another important note: In addition to placing this under __K__ for Kindness I would also personally create the topics of Patience under __P__, and for Charity and Compassion under __C__ for this same thought. The more topics you create for this same information the easier it is to find it later.

Below is another example using a different topic.

Main Menu Screenshot

Important note: In addition to placing the topic of "Service" under __S__ I would also personally create the topics of Unselfishness under __U__, and Joy under __J__ , and Generosity under __G__, for this same thought. Use your own imagination, the more topics you create for this same information the easier it is to find it later.

Below are just some examples of the unlimited personal topics that you can create and how this will look as you grow your topics.

Note: Each of your topics are also listed alphabetically from left to right!

Main Menu Screenshot

Enjoy watching your own personal topics grow and being able to find them when you need them.


ADD TO A TOPIC means to another reference and your thoughts and/or imported information to the same topic.

From the home page click on ADD TO A TOPIC , type the topic in the search box or scroll down and click on the topic that you want to add to, type in the “Reference”, add in your “Information & Thoughts” and then click on save at the bottom.

For example you have already created the topic of “Service” as seen below:

Main Menu Screenshot

Below shows the example that was previously created from Matthew Chapter 16: Verse 25 and it also shows three more examples added to the same topic of “Service”.

Main Menu Screenshot

NOTE: As seen above, you can add just the reference information only, OR just your thoughts only, OR both. Put in what information you want and how you want it.


There is a hide feature for the information that you create under each topic. When you click on a topic it will only show the first 100 characters of that topic to remind you what is contained in the hidden information. When you click anywhere on those first 100 characters it will open the rest of your hidden information. There could be just one more sentence or some paragraphs or many pages. Save things that are important to you such as a previous talk or presentation that you gave, notes you took from a speaker, a talk or an article that you read, a letter, a quote, scriptures, memories, pictures, etc, etc... You can type whatever you want in those first 100 characters to help you remember what is hidden. As seen below, this feature consolidates space and allows you to quickly find what you are looking for without having to scroll over enormous amounts of information.

Main Menu Screenshot


Import from Keep&Find to your word processor:

Import from other sources to your word processor:

Import the information you composed from your word processor to Keep&Find:

Import a picture you take of anything to Keep&Find:

Examples: A picture of notes you have taken, greeting cards you received, a picture someone drew for you, important documents, a letter you want to keep, an article, etc...

Note: Skip the first step if the picture was taken with the same device that has Keep&Find


This is a way for you to share Keep&Find with someone. Simply enter their email address and click on send. They will recieve an email to download the app.